Why You Should Add Running Into Your Routine

Nov 22, 2020 |
dd Running Into Your Routine

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We aren’t all runners—some of us are haters—but nevertheless, we’re all born to run. Our anatomy and physiology allow our body to perform great feats as we test the limits we thought were impossible with just our two legs. With that said, it is no surprise that running is one of the most effective forms of cardiovascular exercise.

If you’re already active and looking to spice up your routine, short- to long-distance running is a great way to stimulate both your mind and body and provide a healthy challenge to your stamina.

For those that aren’t runners, taking a walk or jog outside can provide any individual with the necessary respite from their day to day responsibilities and can help them let go of any stress or anxiety they have been harboring throughout the day.

Typically, being that running is a form of steady-state cardio that can be swapped in for your regular cardio workout routine. However, if running feels like a chore compared to your regular routine, there are a variety of types of runs to break up the monotony including:

Shorter, Interval-Based Running: This form of running focuses on alternating efforts of walking, jogging, running, and sprinting. The purpose is to allow your body to exert a large amount of energy and then have the opportunity to recover before repeating the cycle.

It follows the same principles of HIIT cardio, in the sense that by sprinting followed by quickly recovering, one can work the muscles better than simply jogging the same distance. The benefit of interval-based running includes improved running form and economy, endurance, mind-body coordination, motivation, and fat-burning (Runner’s World).

Longer, Endurance-Running:  Here, we focus on stamina and efficiency. The idea behind endurance running is to increase the average pace over a larger distance thus strengthening your muscles and improving your cardiovascular health.

Endurance-based running can include progressive tempo runs as well as steady-state runs. Progressive runs are meant to push your pace faster as you go the distance and teach your body to hold form when tired. Steady-state runs focus on a pace that is attainable to hold for a longer distance without a need to pull back, and the benefits include building stamina, improve running endurance, and fat-burning efficiency.

Another way to make your runs more engaging is to take CarioCast with you. Our coaches add some motivation and inspiration as you go the distance and they curate each playlist for all your workouts. Below are a few examples of different CardioCast walks and runs you can implement into your workout regimen today:

  • Walk & Jog Classes – Find your stride as your alternate between intervals of walking and jogging. Our Indoor Walk & Jog classes utilize speed and incline on the treadmill, while our Outdoor Walk & Jog classes focus on speed primarily (and are fun to share with a furry friend). Casual, brisk, power walk, jogging

  • Interval Runs: Test your speed as your conquer exertion-based intervals, utilizing runner-defined walk, jog, run, and sprint speeds to control runner exertion. Our Indoor Interval Runs. Our Indoor Interval Runs involve speed and hill intervals as you adjust speed and include on the treadmill. Our Outdoor Interval runs help you push the pace as you take in the fresh air and your surroundings.

  • Steady State Runs: Designed to be experienced on either the treadmill or outdoors. These runs will challenge you to find your perfect stride and mindfully maintain a steady pace throughout your run. Coaches create space for you to focus on form and breath while being fueled by the music. Expect a few moments of tempo pace pushes to further build your aerobic base.

Want some additional information to get started? Check out our Run Guide and get moving with us today!


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